DaaS Lite

Streamline and Scale With DaaS Lite

Designed specifically for growing businesses, DaaS DaaS Lite offers a range of features and benefits, including flexible payment plans, reliable technical support, and access to cutting-edge hardware and software solutions

Don't let outdated and unsupported devices hinder your business performance. DaaS Lite eliminates capital expenditures and ends endless maintenance requests beyond warranty periods that consume time. With our Technical Support, you can rest easy knowing that all your technology devices are up-to-date and fully functional, streamlining your management of devices and minimising the risk of downtime.

DaaS Lite is the most cost-effective way to streamline your IT procurement process, eliminate unexpected capital expenses and simplify device management. RND-IT handles everything from hardware procurement to support, freeing you to concentrate on what matters - your business success. 

Experience the ultimate solution for managing and maintaining technology devices in the modern workplace with DaaS Lite. With scalable plans that allow you to adjust your IT requirements as your business grows, DaaS Lite is the perfect solution for businesses of all sizes.



Minimum Term

Custom Device and Global Delivery

Monthly Invoice 

Next Business Day Warranty Cover

Secure Device Data Erasure 

End of Lease Technology Refresh

Disposal & Recycling

Configuration and Deployment

Software And Device Management

Starter, Leaver and Mover Service




Predicatble Costs

Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with predictable monthly expenses. Say goodbye to the financial burden of acquiring and maintaining devices and hello to a streamlined approach to budgeting. DaaS allows you to shift your focus from Capex to Opex, helping you to free up capital for other important investments.

Simplified Managment

DaaS Lite includes additional IT lifecycle services such as data wiping, reverse services, and desk-to-desk support. This means you get the hardware you need, and the entire device management process is handled by RND-IT. Plus, devices are delivered ready to use, eliminating the need for time-consuming set-up and configuration.

Maximise Productivity

DaaS Lite offers robust device monitoring capabilities with real-time analytics that identify potential bottlenecks, hardware issues, and usage patterns that may impact productivity. With this information, businesses can take preemptive measures to mitigate disruptions and ensure seamless functionality, resulting in maximised productivity.

Tailored To Your Needs

Our configuration services take a bespoke approach to employee onboarding. We work closely with you to understand your needs, ensuring you receive the technology tools and support your team needs to succeed. From personalised handbooks and welcome notes to mobile phone and tablet setup, our expertise instils confidence in your new hires from day one.

The DaaS Guarantee

DaaS Lite guarantees prompt delivery of devices within the next business day, ensuring that your company experiences minimal downtime. Our swift and efficient process means your business operations can resume promptly, maintaining productivity and meeting objectives without unnecessary delays.

Devices We Service

We have various options to suit your needs, from laptops for on-the-go productivity to workstations for demanding tasks to desktop computers for a comfortable workspace. 

Apple MacBook Pro 14″ M3

£42.00£47.50 / month (excludes VAT) / per month

Apple MacBook Pro 14″ M3 Pro

£52.50£62.00 / month (excludes VAT) / per month

Frequently Asked Questions

DaaS Lite is our pure lease offering with standard manufacturer warranty and all communications for repairs if needed are handled by the client.  

The minimum number of seats for DaaS Lite is 5.  

All leased devices include manufacturer warranty, but enhanced services are available to cover next business day replacements and we manage the repairs on your behalf.

Devices can be extended, returned, purchased at fair market rate, or upgraded. The returned devices are inspected by RND-IT and repairs will be charged at a fair market rate.

Devices are owned by RND-IT and we have value in these devices after the lease agreement has been completed.

Yes we can arrange for early upgrade to the latest model device.

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